Thursday, January 13, 2022

LITERARY: "Mirror of Lies" by: Isela Ingrid D. Pabunan


Category: Prose

Theme: Self-worth

Synopsis: All she could ever see was people pointing at her, the gossips that could only be heard once focused on, other's humor that she took to the heart. Would she be able to take the cruel reality? Or change it to something more imaginary?

On a Sunday night, she looked at the person that stood in front of her.

The only object that perfectly displayed her round facade.

The object that displayed all her hidden flaws; flaws that only she could notice.

She was sick of her appearance, she was sick of her own being.

Diets and changes never satisfied her.

Rants and complaints would always fill her.

She had enough of everything, she just wanted to feel better,

Better than everybody thought.

With a stone so smooth, she struck it against the entity.

As a result, the shards flew towards her.

Shards that were sharper than any criticism she faced;

It was plentiful to make her weep.

On a Sunday night, she faced the same object that broke her.

Now, she was improving; She thought nothing was better than her, with all her confidence

It was about that belief that no one shall outweigh the other,

It was about being receptive and broad-minded.

She could be anything that she could ever imagine, the one who value her features.

Features that were never once flawed. The object that was now missing parts,

when hit with sunlight, refracts

Every corner was filled with different colors; Hints that were never got to be shown.

Published by: Aliyah Margareth C. Imbat
Date Published: January 13, 2022 
Time Published: 10:43 AM

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