Monday, January 10, 2022

LITERARY: “Watching Stars” by Arashel Mei Cinco

Classification: Prose

Theme: Accepting death 

Synopsis: On nights like these, the protagonist likes looking at the sky to find the stars of his deceased parents. They may not be there with him now, but he knows they’ll always watch over him from the starry skies.


When I was young, you told me, mom has become one with the stars in the sky. You said she’s always been there, watching us from above. On days I feel lonely or when I miss her, I look at the sky, trying to find her. Sometimes, you’ll join in and we’ll go stargazing together. I miss that.

Well, I’m 23 now, but I still find myself gazing at the stars, more often than not.

Hey, dad;

How is it up there? Are you happier now? I mean, you’ve finally reunited with mom after all these years. I bet you guys are having fun.

Now that you’re gone, I’m on my own. It's a little lonely, but I’ll be okay, I swear. You two taught me how to be strong, after all.

Just promise me both of you will still remember and protect me, okay? I’ll be watching your stars, and I hope you’ll still watch over me, too.

Published by: Aira Lindsay L. Dela Cruz

Date published: January 10, 2022

Time published: 11:10 AM

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