Saturday, January 15, 2022

LITERARY: "When Love Lasts" By: Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez


Category: Prose

Theme: Love

Synopsis: A girl who was in first-year high school fell in love with her classmate. She went on such adventures about love, then finally got what she most wanted at the end. 


It was my first year in high school. I was a new student while he was an old one. We were from the same class, which led us to become friends. As time went by, our friendship became bigger. We would tease each other for fun, but... I never expected to grow such feelings.

Day by day my love grows for him. I didn't even know if I could hide it anymore. I want to be honest with him, but I was not sure if he would return my feelings. Worst than that, our friendship might end. Our friendship was the most precious thing that I wanted to protect since it was the only way I could be close to him. But due to my foolishness, I couldn't protect anything.

I was known for being boyish, so no one envisioned me falling in love with the opposite gender. To be honest, I didn't want to fall in love either. I knew loving someone was going to hurt me, so I tried my best not to get fooled, but... I guess he changed me. He changed my perspective on men—he made me realize that there were decent ones too. 

Days passed and we were now in senior high. In some way, I abruptly had the yearning to tell him how I felt. Being with him almost every day made me persistent. I thought he would love me back, but I was wrong. 

I called him to meet me at the school's pond. When he got there, he looked rather pale. I was about to tell him how I felt, but he suddenly stopped me. "I know you are in love with me. Forgive me, I cannot return the same feeling," he said. I became silent after. He left before I could even say anything. 

The next day, I didn't care about going to school anymore. The humiliation I felt yesterday was unspeakable. I could not bear showing my face to him anymore. Somehow, I just wanted to end my life on the spot. 

I had loved him for almost five years, and now I feel like we were strangers to each other. 

A week later, I suddenly wanted to go to school. I know studying was an important part of my life, so I tried my best to just forget about what previously happened. Like they said, "Past is past." I tried to learn about my mistakes from what happened—I wanted to move on. 

As I went inside the school, he was the first person I saw. Of course, we were already strangers to each other. I just passed by him without saying a word. I hate to admit it but, he was still charming as ever. I got blinded not only to his looks, but also his attitude towards me. However, I knew that would never happen again. This was the end. I would try to get rid of my affections for him. 

I tried to focus on my studies but because of all the distractions, I couldn't focus on anything. I  kept thinking about him, then suddenly, I felt regret. I hated myself for being such a fool. If I continued being friends with him, then we would be eating lunch right now, but because of what happened, I had to accept the situation we were in.

We weren't talking for months. He then suddenly came to me and admitted that he also had feelings for me. Hearing that from him brought shivers down my spine as I broke into tears. That day from the pond was the day he wanted to confess to me too, but he didn't know what to say. Because of what happened, he didn't speak to me due to his shame. Either way, I was happy that he returned my feelings. The day he confessed to me was the day I would cherish my whole life.

Published by: Rhina Ruth T. Galano

Date published: January 15, 2022

Time published: 6:44 AM

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