Friday, January 14, 2022

LITERARY: "Under the Stars" by: Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez


Category: Prose

Theme: Love

Synopsis: A man used to fake his emotions just for one's entertainment. He then met a woman who could love him for who he was. He was pleased to know that there was someone who could be beside him whatever the situation was. But somehow, all of it turned out to be a sick lie.


"Please don't leave me. Don't love someone else—love only me."

I used to be a pretentious person. I would fake smiles and laughter just for one's entertainment. I began to forget who I was. I wanted to discover more about myself but, I just didn't know how to. All these people are driving me crazy. All they wanted to see was my happy, cheerful self. They didn't even bother letting me act like my true self. Not once do they know how I truly act. But then, she showed upon me. Meeting her changed my whole life.

All my problems just shifted away whenever I see her. It was like I forgot about everything when I was with her. Just for once, I felt real. For the first time, I acted like my true self. She was the first person who didn't judge my way of life. As time passes, I fell in love with her before I could even realize it.

We met under the shining stars. I saw her staring at the moon oddly. I came to her saying, "Hey, what are you doing here? It's cold outside."

"The moon is too beautiful for me to take my eyes off," she replied. My eyes widen as I watched her. It was like my heart was struck by her. I finally found someone who acted like me. As if I found my soulmate. After that, we had a little chat. That "little chat" turned into something special for me. We began talking about all kinds of things, then before I knew it, it was already late. I walked her home under the most captivating sky. "We should do this again sometime," she said. I became delighted after what she said. To think that I get to talk to her again feels like paradise!

Our meeting was like a gift sent from God. She changed me. She gave me comfort in all sorts of situations. I began acting like my true self with her. As if I couldn't hide anything from her. She was truly enchanting.

It was like she was sent from heaven above. She was purely an angel who saved me from misery.

"Just by looking at your eyes gets me mesmerized. I wonder what story lies upon your ravishing eyes."

We would often lay down on the grass gazing at the beautiful moonlight—looking at sparkling stars.

Days passed, I decided to ask her out. Luckily, she said yes. From everything that had happened, I thought of it as destiny. Like I hit the jackpot in love. I mean, what could go wrong?

It had been a year since we'd gone out. So far, nothing bad happened. We were now staying under one roof, living happily. I was planning on marrying her on Christmas eve. I thought it may be a nice Christmas gift for both of us.

As soon as I held the ring in front of her, she immediately cried. I thought she cried because of happiness, but it was the complete opposite.

She told me she never wanted to see my face ever again without any explanation. I froze for a while. I needed to think about what was happening. I thought she loved me? My entire being was crushed the moment she left me. I guess I was celebrating Christmas without her, forever.

Even though she left me, I was still in love with her. I wanted to know what was her reason behind all of this.

"Please come back to me. I've loved you with all my heart. What wrong have I done?"

Published by: Aliyah Margareth C. Imbat
Date Published: January 14, 2022 
Time Published: 2:01 PM

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