Sunday, February 13, 2022

LITERARY: “The Honored” by Lorraine D. Villete


What creature could you be to be so enticing yet mystified?  

Built with out-of-this-world features, 

Eyes so blue; on par with the ocean itself. 

But if I were given a chance to voice it out;  

I'd say, "You were more than beautiful."  

With hair snowy white, you were unrealistic; 

The way I saw myself beside you was my biggest mystery. 

How did it end up like this?  

With your hand that tightly gripped mine everywhere.  

Reckless—didn't care for anyone;  

No sense of value—always stood by his rights.  

If anyone were given the chance to describe you; 

They'd say how distasteful you were.  

The voice inside my head spoke as I let out a boisterous cackle;  

My fate had been sealed the moment my heart took control, 

They were right about you being so horrible, 

But was it so bad to say that those were the very reasons why I loved you?  

You and I, there was no denying it. 

We were the same; we were each other's person. 

But forbidden by the way things were; judgement, brutality, and cruelty. 

Those words would never be heard by you.  

You know me better than myself; 

There was no need to justify my wrongdoings when you knew more, 

I had longed to wipe those salty waters from your baby blues;  

Knowing that I was the cause of those.  

I only wished you knew two things as I sat there, nearing the end. 

So beautiful, you stood there—please never ruin your precious eyes with tears. 

One was lying when I said I could not smile and live in this life given to me;  

For the last time before I enter eternal slumber— 

You made me smile; 

With my name that rolled so perfectly from your glossy lips, 

I was glad you'd the one finish me—honored one;  

For my second and last thought, that in the next life, if I were given a chance to say it,  

"The world is cruel, yet I still love you." 

Painting: Never Let Me Go (Collection, 1962) by Anne Magill

Published by: Jahzara Jera P San Miguel

Date published: February 13, 2022

Time published: 5:33 PM

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