Sunday, February 13, 2022

LITERARY: “My Eyes and Your Eyes Met” by Zoe Alacar

I never thought I could meet, 
The man who’d mean the whole world to me. 
Did you remember the days, 
When we strolled around and gazed 
On the clouds that our Creator made? 
Darling, that’s when I knew— 
I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. 
I loved the view of seeing your face every morning. 
The smell of fresh dew, 
Always reminded me of you.  
It gave me joy that you chose me. 
Out of all of them, you saw me. 
The day I never expected, 
That I’d call you my love and my home. 
You were the one I ran to— 
The key to this heart of stone. 
Living life was like bliss, 
As long as you were right beside me, 
There wasn't a day I wouldn’t miss. 

My love, my life until the end.

Painting: The Journey Together (1965) by Daniel F. Gerhartz

Published by: Jan Yeasha Mendez

Date published: February 13, 2022

Time published: 5:30 PM

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