Sunday, February 13, 2022

LITERARY: “The Fallen” by: Lorraine D. Villete

In the crowded, hustling streets of Tokyo; 

Divided between power, and poverty; 


There you and I,  

Through different locations; but in the same world, 

We were born.  


We were honored, both you and I. 

We shared equal things in this world; 

From both of our obnoxious quirks, 

Intellect in every aspect of the battle we faced, 

Down to the amount of trust we possessed within each other.  


In this mask, a hidden real man you should've known; 

I was no God, merely just the same as you. 

We were both humans. 

After all, 

Born in the same place—gifted with such power, 

Yet what I didn't know was that I lacked the comprehension of yours in all things.  


I was unable to fathom the good and evil in between.  

The harsh denial stage I was set up with;  

You and I, whom I thought was the same; 

Then, I faced you with a raised hand as you walked away from me. 

Set to finish the wickedness;  

But instead; had set you free.  


The bittersweet air of an abandoned alleyway in Tokyo;   

Never had I thought it would go down to this, 

In a pool of unwanted crimson, 

There was the man with all that I could ever want;  

You, who was a monster so cruel, 

The same you, whom I would proudly describe to those who dared think otherwise— 


You, my one and only. 

Born into the same cruel world. 

Different status and beliefs.  

One honored; one fallen from grace. 

But equally, until the bitter end, 

Held the same trust.  


Both men until the end, 

One who got to live; the other with a smile so sweet at the brink of death. 

Both of whom never had the chance to proclaim their love, 

All because we were different from the start. 

Photos from: Sandynoto

Published by: Rhina Ruth T. Galano

Date published: February 13, 2022

Time published: 5:19 PM

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