Thursday, May 26, 2022

LITERARY: Experimental Cyborg by Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez


Published by: Ysabella Charis Vaila 

Date published: May 26,2022

Time published: 3:25 pm 

Category: Prose

Theme: Sci-fi with a little bit of Romance

Synopsis: Samantha, the daughter of two famous billionaires was being targeted by scientists. The scientists created a new drug that could make humans live immortal however, they will forever live like a robot.

Chapter 4: Where Love Fell Apart

(Part 2)

Synopsis: Lucas and Samantha were never on good terms ever since. They started as rivals in school to lovers. But, they only dated to put up a show for someone in particular. The two of them were fine with fake dating—not until one of them fell in love with the other.

It was the start of November. It was almost time for Lucas and Samantha's school cultural festival. In their school, whenever it was a cultural festival, students from different classrooms host different kinds of activities. Cultural festivals in their school were held every year. Samantha's class was going to do face paint. They prepared for days, and the day finally came.

"Finally, it's time for the cultural festival!" Samantha's classmate screamed in excitement.

Samantha and Lucas were in charge of attracting the customers due to their popularity. Some of their classmates were painting faces of people while the others were in charge of taking their payment.

Not long, it was their break. Samantha went to watch her friend's puppet show in another classroom. Lucas decided to explore the cultural festival a bit more.

Suddenly, Lucas stumbled across a classroom where they sell iced coffee and cookies—their classroom was doing a café themed activity.

"Hm… I'm kind of hungry," he went inside. His eyes broadened as he saw a cheery girl serving coffee. She smiled as bright as the sun with sparkling eyes. Lucas was frozen as she came toward him. "Welcome! What would you like to buy?" She smiled at him.

"Oh, uh," Lucas didn’t know what to answer. "If you don’t know what to order, I recommend the chocolate latte—it's our specialty!" She directed him to a sit. "Sure, I'll have that." He replied.

"Wait, what's your name?" He stopped her. "It's Rose. I'll come back as soon as your order's ready," she left.

Rose had dark red hair and emerald eyes. She had fair white skin and a big smile. Her smile was what struck Lucas' heart.

A few minutes later, Rose came back to Lucas with his order. "Here's your chocolate latte, with a free cookie!" She placed it on Lucas' table.

"Thanks," he smiled at her. "By the way, when's your break?"

"Oh, my break starts right now. Why do you ask?" She pulled a chair and sat beside him. "My duty starts in 15 minutes. Do you want to walk around the school to pass time?" He asked her.

"Sure," she replied.

Lucas and Rose explored various activities of the school's event. "Oh, my shift starts right now." He looked at his watch. "Sorry, gotta go." He waved bye to Rose and left. "It was fun while it lasted. See you soon!" She smiled and waved bye to him.

The cultural festival continued for two days. After two days, the students returned to their normal lives and continued studying.

"Aw, the cultural festival's over. Now we have to clean all of this!" One of Samantha's classmates cried.

Weeks had passed; it was almost time for their exams. "After these exams, I'm going to confess to Daniel!" Samantha felt determined.

Another week had come to fall, and their exams were done. "Okay. This is the day!" Samantha went to find Daniel. After a few minutes, "Why am I feeling anxious?" Her heart started to pound rapidly. It was usually the boys who chased after her. It was her first time confessing to someone.

The same went for Lucas. He fell in love with Rose the moment his eyes caught her. He was eager to confess his love to her on the very same day Samantha wanted to confess to Daniel.

Lucas asked for Rose in the back of the school while Samantha decided to confess to Daniel in a huge crowd.

She was confident that Daniel would straight up say yes to her, but none of her plans were achieved.

"Hey, Daniel!" Samantha called Daniel. "Come over here. I have something to tell you."

"Hm? Why in the middle of the crowd?" He went closer to Samantha.

"Uhm so, Daniel…" Samantha coughed. "I like you." She gave him a flower.

"What did you say?" Daniel became pale. "I said I like you," Samantha looked confused.

Daniel looked down and sighed. "I'm sorry." He gave her back the flower and walked away. Samantha was left with humiliation, considering all the people watching her.

"What…?" She fell to her knees while trying to understand what happened. "I don't get it," she whimpered while tears started to fall from her eyes.

It was her first time getting rejected.

The eyes of many were lingering all over her. They started whispering and looked at her with disbelief.

Samantha stood up and ran, looking for a safe place to hide.

Meanwhile, Lucas and Rose were in the back of the school, with no one but them. "So why did you call me?" Rose asked him. "There's something I've been meaning to tell you," he looked directly at her eye. "Would you go out with me?" He held her hand tightly.

Rose smiled and said, "Yes!"

Starting that day, both of them were dating.

The next day, rumors were already spreading about Samantha's confession to Daniel.

It was quite hard for her to show her face to Daniel because of what happened. It was the first time her pride vanished.

Samantha just went inside the classroom quietly and sat in the back.

Just then, Lucas came to her. "Here, have some iced coffee." He placed it above her head.

"It's been a while since we last talked," he smiled. "You look tired, which is unusual."

"What do you want?" She said in a low voice. "You seem to be in a good mood"

Lucas pulled a chair and sat in front of her. Samantha drank the iced coffee Lucas gave her as they chatted.

"Do you know Rose from the other class? We're dating." He said.

Samantha just slammed the drink to the table as she heard what happened. "Why'd you do that?" Lucas was startled.

Samantha left without saying a word. "How come he gets to have a nice love life while I don’t?" She went inside the restroom. "Well, good for me. He has someone new to annoy now."

As she was standing looking in the mirror, she noticed Rose come out from one of the bathroom stalls. "You finally get what you deserve," She whispered to her and patted her back.

"That witch." She clenched her fists. Ever since they were kids, Samantha and Rose were already rivals. They fought about the smallest things.

Samantha soon returned to the classroom. As she opened the door, she bumped into Daniel. Samantha gasped and quickly went to her chair.

"Hey, I heard about what happened between you and Daniel." Lucas came to her. "Is that why you're feeling all grumpy today?"

"Shut up," she pushed him.

After a few hours, their class was finished. Lucas quickly went out to find Rose. He thought about walking her home.

Sometime later, he found her. She was sitting on a bench with a girl laughing. Without thinking, he decided to hide and eavesdrop. "I wonder what they're talking about?"

"Hey, about Lucas, he just asked me out yesterday." Rose smiled. "Oh, my god. Do you mean THE Lucas? The eldest son of the owner of a famous company here?" Her friend gasped.

"You got that right," Rose looked confident. "Gosh, he's so stupid. We just met during the culture festival, and he immediately asked me out. The only reason I accepted him was because of his money. Like, who would want a bratty guy like him?"

Both of them laughed. After hearing everything Rose said, Lucas ran to them. "What the heck?! We just started yesterday and now you're talking bad about me?" Lucas looked disgusted. "If you didn’t like me, you should've said so!"

Lucas stormed out. He wanted to let out all of his anger on something. And so, he decided to go out in the middle of the night and spray paint Rose's house with his friends. Lucas was part of a gang that caused countless disasters in the neighborhood.

"Hey, got some cigs?" Lucas talked to one of his friends while spray painting. "Oh, sure." His friend lent him a small packet containing cigarettes.

Lucas lighted a cigarette and continued to spray paint aggressively. He was in an awful bad mood.

After a while, they finished trashing Rose's house. On the corner, Lucas wrote something with a permanent marker. "Like this design that I made for your house? No need to thank me. Take it as a farewell gift, you wretch."

"Lucas, it's almost sunrise. I think it would be best if we go now." The leader of the gang said. "Go on without me. I'm going to smoke somewhere." Lucas walked away.

"From all the girls I'd met, I thought she was different." Lucas smoked a cigarette as he watched the sunrise from a slope.

After a few minutes, he sighed and went home.

The next day, Rose's mother screamed in terror. "AAAHHH! What happened to our house?!"

"Mom, it's too early for all that ruckus. What's going o-" Rose gasped as she saw the spray paints outside their house. "Who did this?!"

Rose looked around and saw the message Lucas wrote on the corner. "This looks like Lucas' handwriting… Oh!" She raged. "That psychopath!"

She ran as fast as she can to Samantha's house. She didn’t have classes to attend that day, and she didn’t know where Lucas lives. She always thought that Lucas and Samantha were close to each other. So, her only choice was to go to Samantha.

"Oh? What are those loud footsteps? It's coming towards here." Samantha went to check. "Rose?!" She shrieked.

"You… you! Just what are you and Lucas up to now?!" Rose pulled her hair. "I know you two are close. Don’t even think about ruining my life!"

"What do you think you're doing? Storming over someone's house? That's illegal!" Samantha strangled her.

As they fought, Rose noticed Lucas standing behind Samantha. He gave her a terrifying look. "Don’t you dare blame Samantha for your problems."

"It's all your fault! Do you know how much it costs to repaint my house?! It's all covered with your ugly spray paints!" Rose cried.

Lucas didn’t say a word. He just dragged her out of the house and slammed the door.

Before Rose came to Samantha's house, Lucas asked for Samantha's help.

"Hey, you just got rejected, right?" He asked her. "Rose and I broke up."

"That fast?" Samantha was shocked. "Don’t tell me you just came here to tell me that," she laughed.

"Idiot, no. Let's fake date and show off to everyone that we're in a relationship," Lucas said.

Samantha suddenly stopped laughing. "What?"

"Do you want to make Daniel feel jealous?" He was persistent.

Lucas was so furious about what happened between him and Rose that he wanted to make her feel miserable. He started at making her jealous. To do so, he needed Samantha's help. Everyone always thought that Lucas and Samantha were going to end up dating someday. By that, Lucas was given a chance to make Rose jealous.

"We'll both benefit from this. We don't need to act lovey-dovey in private, we just need to show off to the people." Lucas added.

"It's a good deal," Samantha smiled. "Count me in."

After that day, it was official that Lucas and Samantha started "Dating".

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