Thursday, May 26, 2022

LITERARY: Experimental Cyborg by Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez


Published by: Ysabella Charis Vaila 
Date published: May 26, 2022
Time published: 3:20 pm 

Category: Prose

Theme: Sci-fi with a little bit of Romance

Synopsis: Samantha, the daughter of two famous billionaires was being targeted by scientists. The scientists created a new drug that could make humans live immortal however, they will forever live like a robot.

Chapter 4: Where Love Fell Apart

(Part 1)

Synopsis: Lucas and Samantha were never on good terms ever since. They started as rivals in school to lovers. But, they only dated to put up a show for someone they truly loved. The two of them were fine with fake dating—not until one of them fell in love with the other.

The time when Lucas and Samantha first met.

It was the start of a new semester. "Here she comes!" A student pointed to Samantha. Everyone ran wild to her. Samantha was popular everywhere. She was a blonde girl with crystal blue eyes and a skin tone as white as snow. She also had long silky hair with side bangs. She was tall, like a model's body.

Samantha was in the top 1 of her class, but it soon changed once a new student came. "Everyone, this is Lucas. He will be with us starting this semester." The teacher announced.

All eyes were on Lucas. He caught all the girl's attention, except for Samantha—she was too focused on studying.

Suddenly, a black-haired boy with dark blue eyes and a light brown skin tone appeared before Samantha's eyes. He had thick messy hair. He was tall and had multiple piercings on his ears. He was the gangster type of guy, or what everyone used to call him, "Troublemaker".

"I'm Lucas. Mind if I sit beside you?" He asked Samantha. "I don’t mind," she smiled and continued to study.

Their school required their students to wear a uniform instead of wearing normal clothes. The boys wore a light blue suit and dark blue pants paired with black closed shoes. The girls wore the same suit as the boys with a dark blue skirt paired with long black socks and black closed doll shoes.

Soon, the teacher started to discuss a new lesson. "This is boring. She's only babbling nonsense." Lucas leaned to his chair. "Quiet," Samantha shushed him.

As the teacher was asking questions for recitation, Samantha noticed something horrendous. Lucas was active in recitation—much more active than her.

"I can't accept such a thing!" She clenched her fists while grinding her teeth. Samantha recited the same number of times Lucas recited. Although Lucas was bound to cause disasters, he was gifted with an exquisite amount of intelligence.

Weeks passed; it was already their examination. Samantha was the first one to finish. She was quite confident about being in the top 1.

"Samantha, the scores are here now!" A friend of Samantha said. Everyone was squeezing themselves to see their scores on the board.

Samantha looked directly at the sign that said "Top 1". Her eyes widened. Anger flashed through her eyes. "What?!" Samantha gasped. She saw Lucas rank higher than her. He was in the top 1 while she was top 2. "This can't be happening. My reputation here!" She couldn't accept being top 2.

"Upset that I beat your score?" Lucas smirked. Samantha was furious. Starting from that day, they battled through academics.

Both of them always had a bad temper so whenever they were together, they would make a storm.

One day, Samantha's driver couldn’t pick her up from school—he was caught in an accident. It was pouring rain and she forgot to bring an umbrella. "I guess I have to make a run for it," she said while holding her bag above her head.

When she was about to take a step out of the roof, someone suddenly raised an umbrella to her head. "You're gonna catch a cold," Lucas said behind her.

Samantha gasped as she turned around. "No, this is yours. You too might catch a cold." She handed back the umbrella and proceeded to run home in the rain.

Lucas chased her and grabbed her hand. "We can share, you know. I'll walk you home."

Samantha didn’t have a choice. They shared an umbrella—a small one. "Come closer, your right side is getting soaked by the rain." Lucas pulled her to him.

Samantha couldn’t help but blush. She never experienced that kind of activity. Without delay, she reached her home safely.

She went to her room and put her face on a pillow to scream. "What was that?!" She placed the pillow on the floor and kneeled to punch her pillow—she punched her pillow as hard as she can to let out her anger. Her face was completely red.

The next day, she was back to normal. She began to study in the library to pass time. Just then, she spotted a cat taking her pencil case. "Give that back! That's mine!" She chased the cat.

"Ugh, I can't find the cat anywhere." Samantha ended up at the school gates. Suddenly, the school gates started moving on their own. "Huh?" She walked closer to it. As she walked, Lucas appeared. He was trying to climb the school gates since he was late. "AAHH!" She screamed in shock.

"Well, don’t just stand there. Help me go down!" Lucas shouted with his arms at the top of the gate. He was struggling to climb because the school gates were too high.

"Fine. Jump and I'll catch you." Samantha laughed. "Are you insane?! These gates are too high!" Lucas grinned his teeth while being stuck at the top of the gates.

"That was a joke, idiot." She said. "Wait, I'm gonna get you a ladder. I think there's one in the courtyard."

Samantha took the ladder and returned to Lucas. "Finally! Thanks," He got down from the gates. "Why were you this late, anyway?" She asked him. "You're usually never late. School starts early in the morning, it's already afternoon."

"Oh, I just got out from jail." He returned the ladder to the courtyard while Samantha followed him. "W-what?" She stopped. Their atmosphere changed—it turned into "awkward silence".

"Yeah… I sort of stole a necklace and got caught." Lucas scratched his head. "What were you gonna do with that necklace?" Samantha looked confused.

"I figured that necklace would look go on you but it wasn’t for sale." He walked Samantha to the library. "R-really?" She looked away to cover her blush.

"How does he talk so calmly?" She said in her mind.

Just as they reached the library, the bell rang. "Class is starting. Let's go," Samantha told Lucas as she hurried to the classroom. "Aw, I didn’t even get a chance to relax." Lucas frowned while walking to the classroom.

Months had passed; another new student joined Samantha's class. "We keep having new students this school year," Samantha's friend was having a chat with her. "And it's another boy!"

They were both talking while walking to their classroom—they were from the restroom.

The moment Samantha's eyes reached the new student, her heart suddenly went "Ba-dump…ba-dump".

"Who's that?" Samantha turned incredibly red. "I was in the restroom when the teacher introduced him. I need to know his name!"

Samantha directly went to the new student but Lucas suddenly pulled her. "What are you doing? Can't you see the teacher is already here?"

"Oh, right." Samantha returned to her senses. "What was I thinking?" Samantha went back to her chair and waited for their break.

"She's acting strange," Lucas felt suspicious of Samantha. "She's not that type to go somewhere else when the teacher is already inside."

Two hours passed—the bell rang. "It's break time," Samantha went out to find the new student.

She found the new student sitting on the corner of the stairs. He had brown fluffy hair and hazel eyes. "Um, can I help you?" He noticed Samantha standing in front of him.

"Hi, I'm Samantha. What's your name? She smiled at him. "Oh, it's Daniel." He smiled back. They chatted for quite some time.

Just then, Daniel was called by a group of boys asking if he wants to play basketball with them downstairs. "Sure! I'll be right down." He told them. "Sorry, I need to go." He and Samantha traded their goodbyes and left.

"I guess I'll just grab something to eat in the cafeteria. I'm a little hungry," Samantha went up the stairs. Their cafeteria was located a floor above the classrooms.

As she walked up, she saw Lucas sitting behind a wall. It seemed like he was listening to her and Daniel's conversation. "Since when did you approach new students on your own? Especially in that kind of manner." He stood up with his arms crossed. "What's the problem with it?" She said. Lucas just gave her a mad glare and headed to their classroom.

"What's with him?" Samantha looked at Lucas as he went down to their classroom.

Hours passed; school was over.

Lucas felt a little jealous of Daniel because of Samantha's way of treating him. Somehow, he developed a little crush on Samantha.

Lucas' jealousy continued for days—not until he met someone from another She smiled at him. "Oh, it's Daniel." He smiled back. They chatted for quite some time.

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