Monday, June 6, 2022

LITERARY: "Lumiére Devant" by: Honey Grace Tolentino


Category: Prose
Theme: New Beginning
Synopsis: They say life was like a book. It was a new chapter with every step we took.  

I was certain that life could give me every hurdle that anyone could experience, and yet, I would be alright. I was confident that I would not stay up late just to finish my schoolwork. I was proud that even though I was tired—exhausted, I still managed the things I had to do. I was really assured that I would not see the day that I would cry twice a day. That I would never let my stress handle my emotions. I was satisfied with the way I got through the first year.

How funny it was to see whenever I look in the mirror, a girl who wasn’t able to take care of her looks but looked more messed up with her dark unfocused eyes, disheveled hair, and acne growing on her forehead. How laughable it was seeing the girl who was already thin become thinner.

There was a time that I even asked myself if all of these were worth it or…what was my purpose again? What was the dream that I wanted? Not only that, I even cursed at myself for thinking that I would not even need the things I learned. Still, it didn’t really matter to me. It didn’t hit me yet. All I wanted was to finish everything. Until that day came.

The day came when I realized that my one and only passion that I was so proud of...the passion that gave me my confidence back...the passion that held onto the fragment that I almost lost. It was gone.
Whenever I tried to write, nothing came. The only thing I could do was stare at a white screen and crumble at the sight of a blank sheet. I even came to the point when I asked myself if I could really write. Yet I stayed. I continued to write again little by little, even if I felt the heavy pressure of losing my talent.

Now that this chapter would end very soon, I guess my mind was finally at ease. A little bit more and I would be able to focus on returning to my home. To the literary world, the world I cherished more than my reality. Now that this part would end, I also realized how special these memories were. I suddenly remembered that this, even though it was chaotic, was a piece in my own book.

All the fights, all the laughter, and all the nights I cried myself to sleep…all of these were a recipe for the cake I might buy after I graduate. All the sleepless nights, headaches, and anxiety…were a part of the lyrics I would sing before I leave. All the regret and fear were my melody. It was time to close the curtain. The show ended, and the spectators clapped. It was now time to open a book where my new adventure would be.

Published by: Julianne Rose M. Laureano
Date Published: June 6, 2022
Time Published: 10:08 am

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