Thursday, September 8, 2022

LITERARY: "Bird? Beast? Bat." by Sean Estrada


 Published by:Lloyd Agbulos 

Date published: September 08, 2022 

Time published: 5:00 PM

Category: Poetry

Theme: Internal Struggles


Will I ever be free?

Free from the chains that hold me;

Free from the feeling of mediocrity;

Free from the feeling of insanity;

Tell me, am I the embodiment of monstrosity?

Perhaps it is wise to never set me free.


I've been aiming to morph,

To become something adored.

To cleanse the feeling of being abhorred...

but it seems I'm not completely on board.

One half of me loves being ignored,

the other half loves to soar.


Often times I find myself isolated—

frustrated by the outdated standards that society has created.

Am I a monster for choosing to disregard the reality they fabricated?

Solely for the quirks, I possess, do I truly deserve to constantly feel castrated?


Disregarding the meter comes at a price.

I lack people to rely on, my allies.

It seems I'll need to find an archetype;

People of calibre, whom I can entice.

I don't need a crowd, two or three shall suffice.

Else, who shall I turn to when I need advice?

The hoodlum who has fallen to vice?

The illiterate man who's never concise?


I'll find my people; it's only a matter of time.

But, can I find those that'll last a lifetime?

To those I've found, have they seen mine,

Or are they simply staring at a mime?

Having allies to help me climb to my prime—

Even the thought of it seems sublime.


When every line contradicts the other,

When every truth I claim is a lie to another,

Would you rather listen, or would you label it blabber?

To decipher such lines, is it really worth the bother?

After all, they are the lines of a monster.

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