Wednesday, September 15, 2021

LITERARY: "Dawn: The New Hope" by Darein P. Catchillar

“Dawn: The New Hope” by Darein P. Catchillar


The loud, wild, and elite people, whist as for they're asleep.

Everyone is covered by rooftops together with their steep privileges.

As the alley louted children who are lost,

The great unwashed are forced to eat dust for a living.


They said it's humane, but never in the eye of those oppressed.

Everyone has to run away from the malediction of these people above.

They whimper under their voices,

“This is life. This is how it should be.”


But it should never be with the wind and how the water should drift,

Nor of these covetous minds could commit a nasty crime.

If there has to be a pyramid,

The one above should learn how to take a fellow plain and uncoined constancy.


Spick-and-span decisions should coil up all of those insurmountable oppressions.

Those who are at the top of the triangle are as emulous as the greedy murderers.

They wouldn't let the downtown feel the breeze.

And as by one to a thousand's desire, we'll see the whole nation's dream turn into a fiasco.


There is a light in a dark night.

A good leadership would lead you thither to see it.

Just like how you'd feel the comfort of your sleep when it's dawn,

Someone should make these people and children feel safe.


Do not be deceived by the deceivers—the darkness will vail.

We are the one who has the power to choose.

The gods above will vouchsafe our voices.

And sooner or later, we, the desolate ones, will shine over our fears and claim what is meant to be for us.

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