Saturday, October 9, 2021

LITERARY: Elusive Liberty by: Daniel Garcia

I was once a bird who'd flown freely across the world.

I felt extravagant back then.

Nothing beat the miraculous view up there.

Every day was a eureka moment.

I whispered to myself—

“I am free.”

But I was too careless.

I disregarded the bullet, pointed at my head.

I didn't notice someone was behind me.

A predator who'd go after my life.

He shot me.

Locked me in a cage.

Plucked my feather one by one.

Freedom slipped out of my hand.

And I turned into nothing but a flightless bird.

A bird whose life had been enclosed into nothingness.

From a bird who lavished on freedom's touch

to a bird who sought for it even at midnight.

"Farewell, my beloved sovereignty,

See you in the next life".

Layout: Dane Navarro

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