Monday, October 18, 2021

LITERARY: "A Million Worlds Apart" by: Aaliyah Van T. Pineda

"A Million Worlds Apart"

By: Aaliyah Van T. Pineda

How should I tell her? SHOULD I tell her? Do I deserve to tell her? The girl I'm in love with. She and I are too different. She was extremely beautiful and brave, she was always there for me, and the two of us get along surprisingly well, as for me, I'm the opposite of her.

I was skinny and very frail, I could barely throw a punch and my legs couldn't even run one mile without getting tired and stopping midway. On the other hand, the girl I love is strong. She has great strength in her. The bravery to fight back against the bullies and take risky moves. She was social and had the heart of an angel.

She could catch the attention of every man she came across with, and some of them are ten times better than I could ever be, she even caught the attention of my own older brother. I'm the type of boy who prefers to stay away from crowds and just be by myself, but this girl made me think otherwise. I wanted to be with her, every single day of my life. But the question I kept on asking myself was, do I even deserve someone as amazing as her?

Would she even love me back? She and I are a million worlds apart, I don't even know if I could even start telling her how much I loved her. There are a lot of other people who deserved her more than I did but... does she even know any of them? Does she even want to be with them? Was it even in terms of who deserves her more? To be honest, when she and I first met, she was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen in my life. I remember being so nervous whenever I was around her. She would be so kind to me, she didn't think I was a pathetic and weak person, that was not something other people would normally not think of me. Women hardly pay attention to me and I would never catch their attention, but with this girl, I did.

All my life, I had never made an effort to try and impress a girl, because I never thought I needed to and because I didn't want to, but now, I wanted to satisfy her and give her everything I had. But... even if I was a pathetic person, I still deserved a chance with her right? I still deserved to had the pleasure of making her happy, right? We're all human by the end of the day with the same rights. Even if she wouldn't feel the same way towards me, at least I got to move the weight off my chest. I loved her and I wanted her to know that, even if the two of us are mere opposites.

She deserved to know, after so much time we spent together, and I'm sure she would respect my feelings towards her, I hope.

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