Saturday, October 2, 2021


Harmless desire coming from a fine rain falling from a clear sky and a soft gentle breeze that blasts all of the sorrows to put it on the graveyard and the hum of deep words that provokes her to be a lovely person. The onslaught of calmness moves toward her heart and make her fake smile fly up. A journal that is full of documents and letters on what happens every night is promoting peace at one's side of their life.

"This is happiness." She declares.

She bestows him by suitably caressing his hair and saturating her personality in his reflections while descending upon it with beautiful thinking as well as the odd cherry words she's muttering on his genuine soul. A slinking pole in his body is promoting an odd sensation to perceive her intimacy and to deflect a sorrowful pattern to be inside of her thoughts.

"You are so flawlessly the love of my life who flies down here to be beside me and hold my hand," he mumbled while glancing at her stunning marvellous eyes.

Nevertheless, sometimes things never appear as they intended to. She absquatulates her emotions and abandons them in a sealed spot where he will not find even the bitterness of its sable lies and an uncertain consequence they have been put together. As she contemplates, the stars shine, she couldn't help but let the tears inside her break through and let it flow out of her.

They could have it all if it isn't his decision that makes things confusing and compiles them in the bottle to simmer it in the sea of memories, but the bottle ends up as broken pieces. He says a lot of dishonesty in her and unleashes his lack of concern for her and now, she isn't free from suffering... again. In the beaker of tears and the receptacle of lies, she insists that she would rather not know everything for her own piece of mind.

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