Thursday, October 14, 2021

LITERARY: "A Sunset's Secret" by: Arashel Cinco

"Didn't you get it? I'd been ignoring that question every time you asked. I'm not interested in you."

"I... I didn't know I was bothering you so much." 

Alice bit her lip, trying to stop her tears. "If that was what you wanted, then... I'll be off." She showed me a sad attempt to smile. "I won't show up in front of you ever again. I'm sorry, Naomi." 

She ran off sobbing before I could even try to apologize.

Weeks passed, and I hadn''t seen her since. She never approached me and she'd constantly avoid me whenever we found ourselves within the range of each other. Eventually, remorse found its way into my heart. I brushed off the guilt that settled in my mind. What should I feel guilty about? I was harsh, but it was true. I wasn't particularly interested in dating her.

The days got quiet, and I started to miss her. She was annoying, but she was there when I had no one else to talk to. She brought enjoyment to my boring life. She made me see the bright things in this dark, muddy world.

It bothered me so much that I couldn't focus on anything. I couldn't sleep at night because I'd been so worried. I didn't even know what I was worried about, and it made it worse.

"Naomi, you miss her."

"Naomi, you like her."

"Naomi, that's what a crush is like."

It plagued my mind for days. I hated the thought of it so much. Me? Liking another girl? That's impossible, or at least I thought it was.

Because now, I'm in the same place she confessed to me. I wrote the same letter she did months ago when she met me. I'm feeling the same things she had for me. Fate turned the tables on me, huh?

'Meet me at the park at sunset.'

That was what I said. It was already sunset, but she wasn't here yet. My heart was pounding, and my hands were shaking. Why do I have to be so nervous about this?

And minutes later... there she was. My body acted on its own, launching me off the swing, and opening my mouth with nothing to say. My eyes felt dry, but soon enough, my cheeks were wet with tears. I hate to admit it, but I really missed her.

"Naomi? What are you..?" Alice's eyes widened, and she was about to leave. Please, don't avoid me again.

"Alice, IㅡI'm sorry," I called out. My voice broke, creaking pathetically. She stopped on her tracks but didn't turn around.

"For what?" I must've gotten her attention since she looked at me with sad eyes.

"I didn't mean what I said back then. I didn't realize it at that time, but I actually liked you. I was scaredㅡno, I was terrified of what could had happened, that I just pushed you away."

Maybe I look ridiculous. I was sobbing my heart out in an empty children's park, and for a girl who probably doesn't like me anymore. What kind of romance drama am I in?

"I just... I didn't want anyone to say things about me or you. My parents would hate me if they found out we were together."

She wrapped her arms around my shoulders, embracing me. A familiar laugh fills the heavy air. "I'm glad, so you don't hate me after all." I shaked my head desperately, wiping my face. "Far, far from it, Alice,"

"In fact, I think I'm in love with you." My tongue slipped, and I blurted it out. I covered my mouth in embarrassment.

She let go of me with a smile. "Should I take that as your final answer?" I nodded, feeling my face flush as she leaned closer to me. Her grin widens with a sparkle in her eyes.

"Great, because I still love you too." 

And without a warning, she kissed me. It was only for a second, but my goodness it was exhilarating. I'm sure my ears were red now as well. How could she do this without even blushing? This girl was too shameless for me to handle.

"My parents would also kill me if they found out, so..." she giggled with her stupid, adorable laugh. She lowered her voice to whisper.

"Let's keep this our little secret, 'kay?" she winked, playful glint was in her eyes as she held her pinkie finger out.

A small smile appeared on my lips as I wrapped mine around hers.

 "Yeah, of course."

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