Monday, November 1, 2021

LITERARY: "Uncanny" By: Dane Navarro

Once upon a time, in the year 1871;

A figurine that is a bit on the dear side—

was purchased by a teenybopper.

Publicized and displayed it in front of her crib,

Ergo, it made her known in the city.

Time flew by; in 1887,

The figurine suddenly disappeared,

anticipated her publicity could sink.

Bobby-soxer was quacking her boots and was scared stiff,

Her spouse came and catechized her—

She refused to say anything about the doll going missing.

In the ensuing chaos, she became cracked and bedlam.

Three months later, they had a plus one;

Coincidence and destiny collide,

Their lassie bore a resemblance to the doll-

It would give you a heebie-jeebies vibe.

"She's back," she whispered.

To triumph over being out of the ark,

The mother risked life and limb.

At the crack of dawn,

She stabbed her daughter till hell froze over.

The giggles and laughs turned into screams and screeches.

Closing the stable door after the horse has bolted,

Her husband witnessed and shook like a leaf.

"Look, I found her!" she shouted insanely.

The sun's heat turned into a blast of cold air.

Late Latin vicennium,

The grown teenybopper picked up steam.

Her spruced up daughter was belly up

yet became prized for a drop-dead exquisite figurine.

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