Thursday, October 7, 2021

NEWS: "Pilot Run For Limited Face-To-Face Classes To Launch in November" by Anya Sotomayor

 The pilot run for limited face-to-face classes will begin on November 15, 2021, amid the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the Department of Health (DepEd), during a Senate hearing on Wednesday, October 6, 2021.

(c) DepEd

Out of the 638 nominated schools for a pilot run of limited face-to-face classes in low-risk areas, only 59 schools have passed the granular risk assessment conducted by the DOH, the DepEd announced.

In light of DepEd's timetable, the pilot run will go on until December 22, 2021. This is after the appraisal of the conduct of the in-person classes will be made. The pilot study will end on January 31, 2022.

The DepEd will then, at that point, assess, recognize more schools for the development of the pilot run, hold site inspection, trial run, and present their extension proposition to President Rodrigo Duterte in February 2022.

Once endorsed, the Deped is intending to begin the extended pilot run for face-to-face classes on March 7, 2022.

List of the schools included in the implementation of the pilot run for limited face-to-face classes:

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