Wednesday, December 1, 2021

LITERARY: "Best Friends" by: Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez


Classification: Prose

Theme: Love, betrayal

Synopsis: A girl had a best friend whom she was very close to but ended up in betrayal. Why? Why did they end their friendship? Who ended it?

How could you do this to me? After years of our were a traitor! I trusted you. Why... why did you do this to me?!

I was in middle school when I first saw her. I was a new student so I didn't know anyone. She came to me then asked me to join her for lunch. After that, we became friends. Many years passed, we were now best friends. We would share all our secrets. We "used" to have fun but...not anymore.

We were in ninth grade when I told her I was crushing on a guy. I told her all his good points then started laughing. We talked about it the whole day. The next day, my crush went up to me while I was talking to my best friend. "Hey, how are you. Want to grab coffee? I know a good coffee shop nearby," he said. I panicked that time. I didn't know what to do. My best friend said good luck with a slightly smiling face. After that, I went with him and had coffee.

To be honest, I had a good time. We talked a lot, including our personal lives. After our coffee together, we ended up exchanging numbers. We talked on the phone almost every day, causing me to forget about my best friend. Months had passed, I noticed that my best friend started acting weirdly, and so was my crush. Lately, I had been seeing them go out together. I became a little uncomfortable since both of them didn't talk to me anymore. Days pass and I still got no contact with them. What was going on?

Sometime later, I found out that he was just using me to get close to my best friend. And it came to the point that she fell in love with him too. I was furious at that time since I thought this was love. All of it just turned into a sick lie.

It was Tuesday, behind the school...I heard them talking about me. "Your best friend is kind of annoying. I only talked to her to get to know you better," he said. Hearing that shattered my heart. As I was crying, my best friend replied, "What...? You have no right to treat my best friend like that!" At first, I was so relieved that she was by my side. But then... "But.. I like you...I think it was the right thing you stopped talking to her," she said.

After that, I ran away while crying. I wasn't thinking. That day, both of them blocked me on all of my socials. They even ignored me at school. I didn't know what to do anymore. The audacity of them to leave after everything we'd been through...I wished I never met them.

Time went by... I was now living a successful life with my family. Maybe it was a blessing-in-disguise that I met my best friend and crush. They taught me to be strong—even if there were hardships to be encountered. Although they betrayed me, they still had a space for them in my heart.

Published by: Imbat, Aliyah Margareth C.

Date Published: December 1, 2021

Time Published: 3:54 PM


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