Monday, December 6, 2021

LITERARY: "Sweater" by: Jasmine C. Samio

Category: Prose

Theme: Love

Synopsis: Mending oneself after being deserted is tough and may require a lot of effort; what makes it much more difficult is the trail of them that drives you to dwell in the past.

The cool winter wind caressed my cheeks as a slew of memories passed through my head.

My gaze shifted to the old black sweater gently hanging in my closet. "That's where it all started," I subconsciously mumbled. My feet found their way to the cold storage, as I warily unhung the perpetrator of my agony.

As soon as the fabric touched my flesh, images of you began to fill my head. I could still feel your warmth, that comfortable feeling of finally being at home. Your soft whispers were still lingering in my ears, the calming phrases you used to say that kept my sanity. I breathed heavily as my vision became blurred, your soothing aroma filled the void of longingness.

How could someone so easily breach a promise? As if it had never meant anything in the first place?

"Claire," I jolted back to reality when I heard my mother. "Dinner's ready, sweetheart. Fix yourself quickly and get down, alright?" she said carefully, nearly whispering. "Sure, mum. Give me 5 minutes, and I'll be downstairs." She nodded and smiled reassuringly. I swiftly returned the sweater and tucked it into the furthest corner of the closet.

I wish I could really fix myself again within just 5 minutes.

Published by: Kim Ashley Masagca
Date published: December 6, 2021
Time published: 4:56pm

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