Monday, January 24, 2022

LITERARY: “Concealed Tomorrows” by Juliana Agbulos

Classification: Poetry

Theme: Life

Synopsis: A 6-letter word that one can imagine but can never foresee.

It is like the Hollywood Sign in Los Angeles—

That seems so far and impossible;

Yet I am still dreaming of reaching it.

It sounds as if it is so distant—

But it is slowly becoming louder with each passing day.

Some say it is bright and hopeful.

So, I wonder if it is also the same for me.

It is a long series where no one can envisage the next episode.

Who knows?

Maybe it is filled with manifold curveballs.

I see crossroads in every nook and cranny.

One path may lead to a fiasco,

And the other is to triumph.

No matter what I lose or gain along the way,

Or where my voyage ends;

I know that I am the author of my future.

I am the words in every chapter,

And I am the narrator of my story.

Published by: Heather Pasicolan

Date published: January 24, 2022

Time published: 1:25 PM

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