Friday, January 14, 2022

LITERARY: "Forbidden Love" by Alesana Hailey Y. Olivarez

Category: Prose
Theme: Royalty, betrayal
Synopsis: There was once a princess who was deeply desperate for love—always wanting attention from others. She then marries a man whom she thought would be a great King for her country or so she thought. 

"What is love, if I may ask?" That question lingers with me up until now. Was it the feeling of pleasure your lover brought you? I wanted to know... yes, I knew that I was married but, how come I never felt that pleasure? 

My parents were supportive of me through all decisions I'd made, but marrying someone without thinking was the biggest mistake I made in my life.

I was the daughter of the King and Queen here in my country, which made me a tad bit famous. Every man would risk their life just to marry me, yet I chose someone who was the complete opposite. 

My eighteenth birthday was coming soon so, my parents rushed me to find a man worthy enough to be my King. But I was a fool. I was a reckless person, not giving a thought before getting into marriage. 

Marrying someone whom I thought would be a great man brought the country into chaos. 
As soon as I got married, both of us were crowned King and Queen, which made the castle all to ourselves. When the guests left and no one but my husband was there, he showed me an attitude that I couldn’t even bring myself to imagine. He showed me his other horrible self. If only I knew who he really was, I wouldn't dare marry him. He was an arrogant and abusive bastard. Meeting such a disgrace to the world would now be my biggest mistake, yet to be regretted. 

I thought of it as a challenge, however, it was much more difficult than I anticipated. I wanted to change him nevertheless, I made him worse. He had this temper that no being, even me, myself could tolerate.

I could file a divorce with him, but seeing the people in my country, and also my parents, made me worry more. I wouldn't want to disappoint them, nor humiliate the royal family. Thus, I had kept it to myself. I kept it for as long as I could but it soon began to spread. 

Some people knew our situation and started spreading such deceitful rumors. As Queen, I didn't want it to worsen. I did my very best to stop the trouble but it was no use. Many people soon knew about this. I couldn't hide it anymore. Due to the circumstances, I just let it be. I ignored the fact that my reputation was soon to be destroyed. What else could I do? I tried my best yet nothing had happened.

Even though he treated me like garbage, I still love him—hoping that he would love me back. But as time passed, I was slowly beginning to lose love for him. 
One day, he did something to me that there was no way in my life I could forgive. He disrespected me in such a dreadful manner. He disrespected me as a wife and Queen. He screamed at me with all his breath saying, "You are no fit for Queen, not once you have done a heroic act for the country. To me, you are not close to being my wife. I see you no other as a useless servant who is nothing but dust in this country."

 As he screamed, I could feel my eyes widening while my breath hitched. " how could you," I said while tears were falling down my eyes. "So that scene at the ballroom was all bogus? I wonder what else lies upon that unpleasant mask of yours," I said furiously. 
"Everybody said that we would last together forever, but your actions proved them wrong," I added. I couldn't think at all. I didn't know what words I should use for him. I had tried everything—I thought I could change him. "I thought you were different." I looked at him with tears in my eyes as I slightly wiped them away. "Such a stupid mistake." I quickly ran away, not stopping, nor thinking again. I thought he would scream my name, asking for forgiveness. But of course, it was all in my imagination. I was just a mere woman who was desperate for a man's love. 

All of this began when we met on my eighteenth birthday. We were inside a colossal ballroom. He offered his hand and gently said, "You look dashing, Princess. Come and have a dance with me." I fell in love the moment we danced together. It was like, love at first sight. 

After the party, I couldn't dare forget about him. The way he gazed at me was rather different from any other man. "Is this the feeling of love?" I asked myself. The next morning, I went out to have some fresh air since the weather was nice. I was surprised to see him having tea outside the garden. "Would you like to walk under this lovely morning, princess?" he said while looking at me charmingly. This continued for days. We would go on a boat together, gazing at the wonderful moon. 

Every time we met, he would give me tingles down my spine. I knew to myself that I was madly in love with him. Soon, we married each other. I was so thrilled knowing that I was going to marry a man worth sitting on the throne. But I was fooled. The moment the guests at the wedding left, regrets started to flow in me. If I didn't marry him, maybe I'd still be experiencing a good life.

I was blinded by his action towards me when we danced together on my eighteenth birthday. He had broken many hearts of women and ashamedly, I was one of them. I didn't want my heart to be devastated but here I was, miserably suffering from all his foolish actions.

The next day, I returned to the castle. I couldn't possibly leave all my duties as Queen just because of a quarrel. "The audacity for you to come back here, after our dramatic scenery yesterday. Do you have no shame?" my husband said to me as I went inside. As soon as I entered the castle, a negative response was the first thing I heard. But I was in no mood to squabble that time. I just ignored him and continued my obligations. Both of us had no communication the whole day. I guess it was better for us to be like that.

Sometime later, I was dismayed—only to find him with another woman. He was having an affair with another woman, without me knowing. How didn't I notice? All of this was ridiculous. My temper couldn't take it anymore. I went on a rampage, suddenly forgetting my manners. I was his wife—what do they think I was supposed to do? I couldn't bear ignoring it. I became so exasperated that I immediately filed a divorce with him. "I hope you enjoy living with that witch," I told him. I was pleased that I wouldn't be able to see his face anymore. I could finally live in peace again. 

After the divorce, I hired men to investigate him. I found him suspicious the day he stepped foot in the castle. Turns out, he only wanted the throne. He only wanted the Royal Family's wealth. He didn't even love me from the very beginning. It was only me who was in love all along. No one made me feel loved as he did. So, all the affections he gave me weren't real?

Looks like I was the only one enjoying it. I was so disgruntled that I promptly had him arrested. He was finally getting what he deserved. I would've got him executed, but I wanted to torture him until his very last breath. "He should be pleased that I've let him live," I chuckled. 

Little did I know, everything that was happening was part of his plan to annihilate me. He was secretly sending his men to kill me. I was clueless, I thought it was the end of my misery—yet it was just the beginning. 

He got his men to seize and take me somewhere no one knew existed. I saw him—laughing uncontrollably. "What a foolish woman you are," he continued laughing. I couldn't do anything. I just claimed it as if it was my fate—I didn't stop him anymore. He took out his sword, the one my father gave to him. "Is this familiar to you? Oh, to be killed by your very own father's possession..." he said while slowly slaughtering me. "This isn't the end, you bastard. I'll find you, just wait—I'll make you wish to regret everything you've done to me," I shouted at him. 

The pain I felt was unbearable. The moment I closed my eyes was my last time on earth. I would make him pay, much worse in another life.

Published by: Aira Lindsay L. Dela Cruz
Date published: January 14, 2022
Time published: 1:09 PM

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