Thursday, January 6, 2022

LITERARY: "Lolita" by Akhia Dela Peña


Classification: Prose

Theme: Child abuse

Synopsis: Poppy was only 14 years old when she faced the cruelty of the real world. Surrounded by lustful men who wanted to ruin a child's innocence.



Poppy was known for her beauty in their village. She inherited her mom’s beauty and just like her mom back in her days everyone adored her. She had four brothers and all of them had different fathers. Her mom was a drunkard and always brought different men to their house.

She would tell them to leave the house if she whenever she bring a stranger in. Her mom didn’t care about them, she only wanted to please every man in their village that was why the people in their village called her mom mean words and their mom acted as if it didn’t bother her, but her brothers and she herself was ashamed of everything the village folks would talk about their mom. Her brother John worked hard to feed them all five so they wouldn`t starve to death.

One day, her brother Peter took her into the woods to help him carry some logs for the upcoming winter season. While walking she told her brother “Pete, it`s almost my birthday. Do you think we could celebrate?” her brother faced her and replied, “No, I don’t think so. You know our situation, Poppy. We barely eat sometimes, and we can't even afford to buy a candle.”

“But it's only once in a year. It wouldn’t hurt if we celebrate just this once.” Poppy shouted and threw a rock at him. Stunned by what Poppy just did, his brother replied angrily, “You should understand our situation, Poppy. Brother John’s salary isn’t enough to support us all and our mom, she doesn’t care about us. She only cared for herself.” While tears started to fall on her cheeks. Disappointed, Poppy and her brother silently continued to work. On their way home, they met a stranger and he approached them. They know everyone in their town except for this man. He seemed from out of town. And base on his looks, he seemed wealthy. 

And he was eyeing Poppy maliciously. And then her brother broke the silence and asked the man. “Who are you, sir?”

“Oh! My bad. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Elton, nice meeting you both,” he replied while smiling slyly. “Can I ask something? Where do you both live? Do you have parents?” the man named Elton asked. They both looked at each other puzzled by the man’s sudden questions. And then the man started laughing. Aware of what he has asked. “I'm sorry again children. Can I talk to your parents?” he said. “You know our mom?" Poppy asked. “I'm sorry sir. I think that’s impossible, and I think our brothers are looking for us, and it's getting late.” Peter said and grabbed her hand as they walked away from the man. “Crazy old man.” 

Little did they know the man was following them and as soon as they arrived at their house. Their mom was at the dining table with John and their face looked so serious. “What's going on?” her brother asked and then John told them everything. That their mother was ill. And out of nowhere, the man that Peter and Poppy met earlier said “Maybe I can help.”


“And what help is it that you offer?” John asked “I can make your sister work for me, and you wouldn’t know maybe she could bring your family a good fortune. If you'd let her,” Elton replied. At first, John was hesitant, but their mother didn’t think twice and replied at once “Yes, you can have her good mister. Thank you for offering such a wonderful offer." John on the other hand didn’t oppose and agreed to the man. 

Earlier the next day, the man came back riding in a black car. Her belongings are all packed. She didn’t bring that much. The only thing that she knew was that she’ll be going to the city to help her family and her mommy. “Bring that good fortune to us, my dear,” her mother told her and kissed her cheeks. It was the first time her mother had done that to her. Maybe going to the city was a good decision. And they left afterward, her mother waved goodbye to her and smiled. 

“We`ll buy you new clothes so you'll look presentable,” Elton said. Poor poppy didn’t know what would happen to her in that big city.

When they arrived, Mr. Elton bought her a lot of new dresses and cute clothes and he mentioned that she would wear them on her big day. She didn’t get what he said, and she just nodded innocently. And then she met Mr. Roberts. Elton told her that the man owned the biggest and most well-known bar in the city, so she needed to get close to him and she did.

The old man looked at Poppy and nodded to Mr. Elton before telling him something that Poppy couldn’t understand. Minutes later, he caressed Poppy’s cheeks down to her shoulders and kissed her. He then smirked and walked Poppy to a table. He told Poppy to sit on his lap and whispered, “You're so beautiful, sweetheart.” and then Poppy replied, “Thank you.”

“Tomorrow is going to be a big day for you. You'll be going to meet a lot of businessmen. So, you better be a good girl,” then kissed her cheeks once again. Tomorrow was Poppy`s 14th birthday and the last day of her childhood innocence.

The next night, she dressed beautifully and looked at the mirror while wearing a beautiful white dress that Elton bought for her. The small room was filled with people wearing overly lavish clothes. Most of the guests were old men. The auction started and it started with Poppy, the youngest who was auctioned to the old men. She was auctioned at a cost of a hundred dollars to the old man who looked like a grandpa and has a weird beard. He then carried her upstairs to a room wherein it was only them. And then he offered Poppy a drink which made her feel drowsy and then everything went black.


Published by: Julianne Andrei F. Batiao

Date published: January 6, 2022

Time published: 12:05 pm

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